About Us
Woodemas Green Industrial was established in 10 June 1999 as a manufacturer that owns expertise in customizing wide range of wooden pallet, wooden cases, plywood pallet & plywood cases according to your business requirement. We are located in Johor-Ulu Tiram with state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities to serve customer’s various need & maintaining product as export quality standard.


Pallet Customization
We understand the purpose of utilizing different pallet sizes for different usage and we deeply believe that efficiency in operation is important to every business. Our highly customizable pallet manufacturing system is able to assure you that the pallet size customized according to your requirement will best fit your purpose and fully utilized for your efficiency need.

ISPM-15 Standard Specialist
International Standards For Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 is an International Phytosanitary Measure developed by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) that directly addresses the need to treat wood materials of a thickness greater than 6mm, used to ship products between countries. With over 15 years of expertise, we specialized in providing consultation & product treatment services in ensuring your product requirement is met while adhering to ISPM-15 standard.

To promote social responsibility and sustainability, we emphasize on recycle & reuse of pallet which we will collect and provide with special treatment & customization, eventually creating reusable pallet that is environmental friendly & cost effective.
Featured Products
100% Plywood Case
100% Plywood 4 Way Pallet
4 Way Block Wooden Pallet
4 Way Block Wooden Pallet
2 Way Wooden Runner Pallet
We Specialize in
• Producing Wooden & Plywood Pallets • Producing Wooden & Plywood Case
• Producing Wooden Crates • Vacuum Packaging With Wooden & Plywood Box • Collecting Used Pallet & Used Plywood Sheets